Silvio Messi Apps

MoveAppBG - Timetables ATB/SAB 1.2
Silvio Messi
With MoveAppBG you can consult the timetables of the main publictransport companies of Bergamo with the possibility to choose thedate and time of departure or arrival. The application is not justa simple "poster" to see the timetables of the line of a particularcompany, but guarantees the search for solutions to travel betweengeneric point of departure and point of arrival (eg the way of yourown home or the 'location of your office ..). The main feature ofthis new application is its ability to find connections between thethe same company or different companies, with the possibility toinclude or exclude specific companies. It also provides detailedinformation about route as duration, distance and name of the lineused, allows you to view everything on a map. Currently availablecompanies are: - ATB (Azienda Trasporti Bergamo); - SAB (SABAutoservizi); - TEB (Tramvie Elettriche Bergamasche); -Locatelli Autoservizi; - SAI Treviglio (Società AutolineeInterprovinciali Treviglio); - TBSO (Trasporti Bergamo Sud Ovest).It is hoped that the application can meet your needs. We welcomesuggestions and recommendations for improving the quality ofservice. Tags: ATB, SAB, TEB, Locatelli Autoservizi, SAI Treviglio,TBSO, ATB timetables, SAB timetables, TEB timetables, Bergamo bustimetables, Bergamo public transport timetables, funicular Bergamo,tramway Bergamo.